Controlling user access to your partners' data

You can control which of your users have access to your partners' data.

Go to Network > Partners and click the User Access link at the top right to display the Partners - User Access page.

The User Access page displays a list of partners that includes each partner’s name, ID, and the users who have access to the partner.

You can update a partner’s name and the list of users who have access to a partner. When you select a single partner, both the Update Trading Partner Name and Update Trading Partner Permissions buttons are enabled. When you select more than one partner, only the the Update Trading Partner Permissions button is enabled.

  1. Update a partner name.
    1. Select a single partner.
    2. Click the Update Trading Partner Name button to display the Rename dialog box.

    3. Enter a new value in the Partner Name field and click Rename.
  2. Update the list of users with permissions.
    1. Select one or more partners.
    2. Click the Update Trading Partner Permissions button to display the Edit Access dialog box.

    3. Select or clear a check box to toggle access to this partner for that user.

      For a given user, the Activity page and the Messages page will display data from only the partners to which they have access.